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AI Impact

Is AI-Generated “Art” Really Art?

Being a digital painter, and because AI-generated “art” has been in the news lately, I often get people asking what AI I used to create a given painting. Well… I don’t use AI – all of my work is created by hand (within computer software) to recreate a vision and image I have in my mind before I start to work on a new piece. I spend a lot of time fine-tuning the details to get the painting to match my imaginary image. Further, I am prepared to categorically state here and now that, in my opinion, AI-generated “art”…

Tech Experts Sign Open Letter to Pause AI Development

On March 22, 2023 a number of experts in artificial intelligence called for the training of AI systems to be delayed until checks and balances can be put in place. They signed an open letter that warns of the possible dangers of Ai. They claim that the current race to develop better and better AI applications has…

Godfathers of AI Speak Out

The three “godfathers” of AI (Artificial Intelligence), Nobel Computing Prize winners, Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and Yann LeCun have recently spoken out about their concerns over…

The Impact of AI on the Fashion Industry

I am often asked by customers and traditional artists what I think about the impact of AI. Here are my thoughts on how it might impact the fashion business, including models, photographers, event planners, agencies, and related businesses. In my opinion, the biggest impact AI could have on the fashion industry would be…